A Shuttlecock shall have 16 feathers fixed in a cork base covered in kid leather . Interestingly, the best Badminton Shuttlecocks are made from feathers from the left wing of a goose. The feathers shall be measured from the tip to the top of the base and each shuttle shall be of the same length. This length can be between 62mmand 70mm. The shuttle shall weigh between 4.74 to 5.50 grams.
Shuttles are usually graded according to speed. If you have reached a certain level and can hit from baseline to baseline, use standard speed shuttlecocks. If your strength is not there yet, you can use shuttlecocks of as lightly faster speed. You will enjoy the game more if you can send the shuttles to the baseline. The speed at which the shuttle travels is also affected by the weather, altitude and temperature. When it's hot, the shuttle will fly faster. When it's cold, the shuttle will move slower.If you are playing in an air-conditioned hall, use a slightly faster shuttle. f you're playing at high altitude, use a slower speed shuttle.
To test the speed of a shuttle, use a full underhand stroke which makes contact with the shuttle over the back boundary line. You shall hit the shuttle at an upward angle and in a direction parallel to the side lines. A shuttle of correct speed will land not less than 530 mm and not more than 990mm short of the Badminton Court back boundary line as in the diagram below.
You find the shuttle is too fast or too slow but you don't have shuttles of different speed, you can try tipping the shuttlecock. Tipping the feathers of the shuttles outward will slow it down. Tipping the feathers of the shuttles inward will speed it up.
Modern Badminton Rackets are light in weight and usually below 100grams.The frame of the Racket can be made of steel, aluminum, carbon fiber, ceramic, boron or a combination of some of these. It shall not exceed 680mm in overall length and 230 mm in overall width.
So how to choose a Badminton Racquet that suits you most?
Don't be overly economical. The lower priced rackets are usually quite heavy because they are made of cheaper material. You will tend to use more arm movements rather than your wrist to hit the shuttle if your wrist muscle is not strong enough.
This will lead you to develop bad habits. Heavier rackets are mostly preferred by players who have much stronger wrists and can therefore make use of the weight of the racket to extract more power from it. So unless you are in this category, I would suggest you purchase one that is not too heavy. The weight should not exceed more than 100grams. A majority of racket manufacturers use 1U, 2U, 3U, 4U to indicate the weight of the racket,U being the heaviest and 4Uthe lightest. The weight of high quality rackets range from 83 grams to 100grams.
Most racket manufacturers provide four grip sizes. In Japan, they range from G2, G3, G4 to GS where G2 is the biggest size and GS is the smallest size. In some countries, the opposite applies. Some brands go by small, medium and big sizes. Choose a grip size that you feel comfortable with.Generally, attacking players prefer bigger grips as they need to hold the racket more tightly to generate power. Players wholike to rally and make use of deception usually prefer a smaller grip so that the racket is easier to turn in their hands. Buy a head.cover with your racket, and use it whenever you are not playing. Remember not to store your racket close to the central heating radiators, or leave it exposed to sunlight inside a car.
Treat your Badminton Racket with respect at all times...
Few points to improve your skills
1.The power of badminton rackets does not solely depend on the weight. It is not only the heavier rackets that generates more power. Don't forget the one swinging the rackets. Following formulae helps to understand the power generated from a racket.
Racket head speed x Racket head weight = POWER
2.Professionals use string tensions stronger than 261bs (11.Bkgs) as high strings tends to have better control and power.
3.Amateur players should be ok with tensions between 23 - 26 lbs (10.4-11.8kgs)
Go to a reputable shop which specializes in sports rackets. If possible, try out a few before buying. We have some good quality rackets here at great prices, check it out! Whenever you are in doubt, you can always ASK an experienced player for advice or come back to visit us to ASK. We will provide reference or learn from you to answer.
A good pair of Badminton Shoes must provide good grip ,cushioning and some flexibility at the forefoot. Never wear jogging shoes to play badminton. These shoes have thicker soles and lack the stability needed for badminton. You might end up twisting your ankles. If you want to get a good grip from your badminton shoes, only wear it on badminton courts. Do not wear it for jogging or any other activities. Once the grip is gone, the shoes will not be effective on court anymore.
Reserve it solely for Badminton purposes.
When selecting the size, leave a space about a thumb's width from the top of your big toe to the tip of the shoes. This will allow some room for your feet to move inside your shoes after wearing sports socks. If your heels and knees start to hurt every time you land heavily on the floor after jumping, it means that the cushioning of your shoes has worn off. Although your shoes may still look new, t may be time to change them. If you want them to last longer, you may have to change the in sole.
To protect your heels, it would be wise to invest in a good pair of heel cups. While they may be expensive, they are certainly worth it as they can save you from a lot of pain. Heel cups can also help to prolong the life span of your Badminton Shoes. If you decide to invest in them, get a good pair that comes with a life-time guarantee.