Your abs are part of your core, which includes your pelvic muscles, hips and the muscles that support the spine. The benefits of abs extend to daily function, sports performance and physical health.
Abdominal Strength Reduces Back Pain
- Your abdominals act as an anchor for muscles of the mid and lower back. If your abs are weak, it forces the back muscles to work harder to support your middle body
Supports Quality Posture
When your abdominal muscles are weak, you may naturally tend to slouch because you don’t have the musculature to support proper alignment. Strong abdominals support good posture
Improves Sports Performance
All sports use the middle of your body for stabilization and action. You twist to catch a ball, gently rotate your torso when swimming and bend when using a hockey stick or golf club.
Creates Better Balance
The benefits of ab strength become particularly apparent anytime you find the need to balance and stabilize your body